I haven't really had a chance to be on here lately. To be honest I get all my e-mails sent to my phone, so I don't even usually break into my office at home unless I need something super specific to my computer.
Aaanyways, life has been on the up and up for me and the rest of the family. The boy and I just celebrated our one year anniversary. It was kinda quiet, we'd both had long work weeks, and with a car payment and other things going on that require a lot of money, presents and activities weren't really planned too much. I got him a few things, and I came home from work to find some beautiful flowers that have been making the whole apartment smell awesome since they got here.
Ein is being the best fur child ever! We discovered he does extremely well with long car rides as long as he can stop for a water break and a wee as soon as we get to wherever we're going. For the first five minutes of the drive he's all over the place, but as soon as we get on the freeway he plops himself down and either sleeps and just watches out the window.
We also discovered some treats that I thought would be good ideas since they looked fun and tasty. Turns out they upset his fuzzy tummy more than anything else...EVER!!! Serves me right for not reading up on them here first. What else are fellow bloggers for, if not to give their experiences on this sort of thing.
The boy and I are starting the super early beginning process of looking for a house. In the year that I've moved in with him we've almost outgrown this apartment, and since there are so many really nice houses in our price range right now with everything we're looking for, and for what the landlord is raping us for in rent/utilities, house searching gets better and better each day we find something new. I want a large kitchen and a big backyard for Ein and a garden. He wants a garage and a big basement for his recording studio. All very reasonable things to find with what we're willing to spend.
That's about all I got for now. With that, I leave you with an adorable picture of my snuggly fur baby trying to pose for his close up!!!