Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Itchy Corgi?
Is this just a dry skin thing? Does anyone else have this problem with their corgi where they have especially dry skin during certain months out of the year? The vet said it's possible just because its hot and he's sweating more than usual.
It's still kind of unnerving to wake up in the middle of the night to a five minute long scratching fest he's having at the foot of my bed...
Monday, June 27, 2011

Thursday, May 5, 2011
Happy Birthday Fluffybutt!!!!

He's about 8 months old in this pic. It was a few days after I'd gotten him, and he still didn't quite get the idea of why he needed to do his puppy business outside in the yard. But every time he had an accident he knew he'd done bad, and always tried to say he was sorry for it in his own way. Sometimes they just know when their humans are super frustrated and need a puppy nuzzle to make the day more bearable, huh?
Fast forward to his second birthday:

Sooooo HAPPY BIRTHDAY EINSTEIN!!! Mommy and Daddy love you so much!!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Busy Couple of Weeks!
To start with, my boss FINALLY had her baby! It's her first, and as I predicted she's decided not to come back to work at all. Which is fine by me. She was a good person, but maaaaaybe being in charge of an entire crucial area of a very busy downtown hotel just wasn't meant for her. With that being said, I went full time two weeks ago officially. They offered me full benefits, and free life insurance. I couldn't pass that up, no matter how stressful my days are. So although my hours went from 5am-11am to 5am-3pm-ish or later, I now have awesome health, vision, and dental insurance...which hasn't happened since I moved out of my parents house when I was 19.
Ein is taking it all very well. I felt really bad altering his poop schedule by a few hours, but I haven't had any accidents, and as long as I fill his water bowl up extra full before I leave for work he's usually okay by the time I get home.
The only different I noticed from him when I started getting all these extra hours was his eating habits. Maybe it's because he's getting older? Maybe it's because he's just tired of the same ol kibble day in/day out? Either way he just wasn't interested in his food the way he used to be, and he was loosing a bit of weight. Soooo I bought him some wet food, and every day or two I mix half dry and half wet together. He seems to enjoy that juuuuust fine (aka it's gone in about two minutes).
He got super bummed out the other day because I had to throw one of his beloved toys in the trash.

I bought him the alligator squeaky toy seen above, and it lasted a good two and a half weeks before he chewed the nub off the tail and ripped a hole clean through it's poor gator head! When I took it away and moved towards the garbage can he gave me those poor pitiful beggar eyes, but I have a feeling he would've attempted a gator snack and ended up at the vet if I had let him keep it for much longer!
To compensate him for his loss, Josh bought him two more squeaky balloon animal thingy. One is a bull, and for Easter he got a lamb. Both are cute, and Ein favors the lamby more...mostly because the squeaker in it is extra loud and scream-esque.
There's apparently a whole set of these little guys. I'm trying to collect em all. You can find them at !!!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Mommy Feels Guilty

Friday, March 18, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
That was about nine months ago. Fast forward to now: the evil ex can't take care of poor little Ein, and offers him to me as a sort of peace offering. Hells yes I will take my doggy back k thx!!! So now the almost two year old pup lives comfortably with me. He has more living space, better toys, the current boyfriend adores him and his extra large fuzzy ears, he has more room to walk outside since my new apartment has awesome fields nearby, and most importantly he's loved.
I don't think he was abused while he lived with the ex...I just think he was neglected...which can be abuse I suppose. Left to his own devices 22 hours a day he chewed a lot of things he shouldn't have, and even worse all the obedience training I'd worked on was lost. But so far since he's been with me and gets exercise and attention he hasn't chewed up a single thing! We're working on the "sit" command once again *le sigh*, but he's been a good boy, and I've been patient.
Here's the newest picture of him with my boyfriend Josh, who likes taking him for rides in his beat up old van he uses for hauling music equipment all over Columbus.
He loves the van. Josh thinks it's because Ein enjoys their "man-time" together. I think it's because he doesn't have to climb halfway up the door to hang his head out the window like he has to in my car. Either way, here's to a better blog, and an even better life with my first and only pup!